Cishet woman seeking porn suggestions


Okay, not sure where to begin or even what sub to post on. 34F. I dabbled a little bit in masturbation but never orgasmed from it. I’ve had a huge upswing in my libido this year and I believe I need to learn how to please myself to get rid of some of this sexual tension. I only ever orgasmed from piv sex, literally never any other way and always figured this is just how I am, until a couple weeks ago I had an orgasm when a guy was fingering me so I finally believe I am able to orgasm other ways. I have good leads on toys and have owned a couple toys before so I have some idea of what I want, so I’m not seeking advice on that. Anyway…

For the first time in my life I am finding myself aroused by porn. However since most porn is geared to a male audience it is so focused on the women in the videos… I want to see dicks. I want to see men jerking off, penetration, blowjobs, the more graphic the better. Tonight I looked a little bit into women’s porn and what I have seen is too sensual and not graphic enough. Also I like regular-looking people (I lean towards a preference for skinny guys actually) I don’t want to see buff male models in every video. I know this is REALLY specific… I guess I just want really graphic videos without the strong focus on the women in the videos, where the people are normal-looking enough I can fantasize about my own sexual experiences. Does that make sense? Does anything like this exist? Should I just go on pornhub and go through the videos until I find stuff I like?


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