CMT Puts Break-Out Country Star Tayler Holder Into Overdrive By Naming Him As Cmt’s Next Up Now Artist With His New Video ‘Drive’ @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The love for Country Break-out Artist, Tayler Holder keeps feeling the Nashville love with CMT, Up and Country’s Awards and Authority Magazine’s Nashville’s Rising Star.  
Holder settling his proverbial boots in Music City and being embraced by Nashville’s Top Country Music Channel CMT by announcing Tayler as this month’s NEXT UP NOW ARTIST with his new video ‘DRIVE.’ “DRIVE” has felt the momentum from its Nov 11th release, co-written by Tayler Holder, Shay Mooney, Daniel Ross, Benjy Davis, Simon Jay and Luke Shrestha and produced by Daniel Ross and Chapters (Simon Jay and Luke Shrestha) to have this exciting push by the juggernaut music channel. will be premiering the video on January 11th along with the video being propelled to be aired 3x a day for 4 weeks which puts the hunky country singer in front of 21 Million Homes with the rotation of the video, 17 million views across CMT’s socials and a strong 17.8 million unique monthly followers from the premiere at
If this wasn’t exciting enough Tayler also had the good news of being nominated by Up N Country Awards for Top Artist of the Year and Top Male Artist of the Year. This is also coupled with being named one of Nashville’s Rising Stars by Authority Magazine. Holder has been moved to being almost speechless but quips, “Last year was such a rollercoaster and I have very much learned that being in the right place and time is so important. Moving to Nashville has not only centered me but I have found my people and with all of this exciting news I am very moved, and I thank God daily for all the good that this new year is bringing and we have only just started!” Holder is taking all of this excitement from his fans for his next upcoming single “Marry You” which will hit all DSPs on January 27th. The love song is ripe for being a Valentine’s Day favorite as Holder describes it, “I wrote this song about meeting an individual and falling in love with them. Finding someone I can spend those special moments with for the rest of my life. Getting married and starting a family has always been something I’ve wanted, and I think this song exemplifies that. I truly can’t wait till I meet the girl that makes this come true for me and I hope that my audience can feel the same emotions I do when I hear this song.”
Outside of music, many may know Holder from his viral success, where he has amassed more then 30 million followers across all his social platforms. However, now Tayler is doubling down on his music and making that his first priority as he gets ready to release a brand new single that touches close to home as he experiences the various phases of love with a girl that ends up breaking his heart in the end.
Growing up outside of Dallas in a small town called Alvarado, TX. Tayler Holder has always been an entertainer. At the age of 3 Tayler began racing and competing in motocross, a passion that Tayler still holds to this day, but now more of a hobby than a profession. After finishing High School via homeschooling Tayler moved out to California to follow his dreams to be an entertainer, and starting to create content for Instagram and, quickly growing his popularity on the platforms with his viral lip sync videos as well as his daily lifestyle content. Soon after that Tayler branched out into the world of acting with the online series DIRT where Tayler played the main character Luke who deals with love, and addiction as well as tapping into Tayler’s first love in motocross. After joining TikTok, Tayler quickly grew to millions of followers on the platform, continuing to create viral content. After collaborating with members for years, Tayler joined the Hype House for a short period in 2020. Today Tayler Holder continues to create lifestyle content for his fans on social media, but he is now focusing a majority of his energy on his music career as things are quickly taking off for this talented singer-songwriter. Stay tuned to Tayler’s socials below for more updates on the release of “Marry You” as well as upcoming tour dates to be released soon.
For More Information on Tayler Holder  
Instagram –
TikTok –
Twitter –
YouTube –

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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