Community playlists? Moodbox Mondays? What do you think? -Playlists


Hey mods and other soundtrack lovers!

I’m just here to guage interest in idea of the r/soundtrack community coming together and creating themed playlists on Spotify. Since I’ve joined, I’ve been really impressed by the variety of soundtracks and composers being posted here. A lot of it is stuff you won’t find on most of the popular collections/compilations/playlists you can find out there, and that’s awesome.

But as it stands, it does feel a bit like we’re posting into the void. Someone could post a great obscure soundtrack one week, but by the next, there’s virtually no way to come into contact with the music again unless they’re already looking for it. It’s a very temporary and transient thing, sharing music on this sub. And if that’s the goal, I suppose that’s fine, but I personally feel like that’s a waste. We have a lot of people with good taste & a finger on the pulse of new soundtracks here; I feel like we could really leverage that to create a fun community building project for ourselves, which would also provide outsiders an easier entryway into this fandom.

So here’s my suggestion: every Monday, we have a showcase called ‘Moodbox Monday’ where the mods pin a track that belongs to a particular themed playlist on Spotify. Maybe one week it’s a playlist about ‘pre-battle gear up’ music and they feature something from Pacific Rim. Then the next week could be ‘tragic dance’ and they feature something from The Phantom of the Opera. At the same time, posts from the community that day will all be restricted to, and considered as, suggested additions to that week’s playlist. The next day, things go back to normal and the community leaders add the most agreed upon tracks to the playlists. That’s all.

I won’t lie, I’m a writer that regularly listens to soundtracks for inspiration. A great deal of my motivation for suggesting this thing comes from wanting to share the 70+ highly scene/emotion-specific playlists that I’ve built. But it’s also about improving how inaccessible soundtrack music is. Right now, because of how little algorithmic nuance is shown to soundtrack music on streaming services, I’ve been forced to listen to soundtracks from media that I’ve consumed (which is super limiting), or from random composers that I’ve found via the ‘also credited on this album’ section (which is extremely hit or miss). I’m sure many of you jump through similar hoops to find more soundtrack music you’ll love; so why not share the bounty?

Let me know if you can think of any improvements to this Moodbox Monday idea. And dm me mods, if you want to set something up. 👍


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