Composer Ellen Reid Signs To Wise Music Group @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Wise Music Group is pleased to announce a global exclusive publishing deal between Ellen Reid and Chester Music Limited. A composer and sound artist whose breadth of work spans opera, sound design, film scoring, ensemble, and choral writing, she was awarded the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Music for her opera, p r i s m. Reid is currently working on a work for string orchestra commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic. West Coast Sky Eternal will be premiered in May 2023. Other projects include a stage work for Dutch National Opera.

In collaboration with composer Missy Mazzoli, Reid co-founded the Luna Composition Lab, a mentorship program for young female, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming composers. During the 2022-2023 season, Reid serves as Composer-in-Residence with New Mexico Philharmonic and is Contemporary Music Chair for Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra.

In 2020, she created Ellen Reid SOUNDWALK, an ongoing work of public art that reimagines city parks as interactive soundscapes. Premiered in New York’s Central Park, featuring the New York Philharmonic, it continues to expand to parks around the world.

“I am honored to join Chester Music’s phenomenal line-up of composers – these are artists whose work I deeply respect and admire,” says Reid. “And I couldn’t ask for a more talented and passionate team than those at Chester and Wise Music Group to help guide me through the next chapter of my career.”

Gill Graham, Group Head of Promotion and Creative Director UK Rights Companies, observes: “I heard SOUNDWALK quite by chance in Central Park and since then it’s been both inspiring and rewarding getting to know Ellen and her catalogue. We look forward to collaborating with Ellen and her team on exciting musical adventures.”

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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