confused about what my wife wants



Few nights ago i m(29) talked with my wife(34), when she mentioned that our sex life sometimes feel boring. Its confused me, because we have nice sex life. We do all kind kind of things “in bedroom”. When i ask her, what she meant, she just say she doesn’t mean it. We try many things, oral, riming, fingering. But when i told her that I’m open if she has any ideas, she just smiles and says that she hasn’t been thinking about any. During fore play she says that want something special, and ahe wants do to things to me, when i ask what she want (because I cant read her mind), again she just says to forget it. I need help my friends, how to i approach to her, what do i do, to know what she wants. Always been telling me that shes not interested in toys, or sexual fantasies is not her thing. But i really dont know what is that she want. I propose to her something like watching porn together, masturbating to each other, she just says no to that, it will look like we are freaks. I really don’t know what to do, so help you brother. Thank everyone.


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