Confused! Help! -Playlists


I have been something of a soundtrack/score fan for years now. I do not have any connection to the industry at all and have wondered for years but have never been able to find an answer (a simple google search has no idea what I’m saying). I am wondering why on earth do official releases of scores sometimes completely neglect what was played in the film or video game and fail to release it? It happens time and time again and it is truly baffling to me. Surely the composers and writers have pride in their work and know when some of it would be wanted. For my most recent example: the video game Jedi Survivor came out recently. I have listened to the full soundtrack and while good I noticed a large majority of the motifs or cues I loved in my play through are noticeably absent from the official soundtrack. One in particular is the piece that plays during the summary cinematic of Fallen Order before playing Survivor. It has a beautiful cello and sweeping strings that remind us and reframe the character themes from the previous game, but it is nowhere to be found and presumably will be lost to some obscure storage device, never to be heard on its own by the public. As such I have spent what some may consider too much time looking for these songs. The same happened with Jedi Fallen Order. Being a video game gives the opportunity for tracks to be mined out of the coding and released in high quality but it is so hard to find these gems. Does anyone feel the same way about the scoring world, it seems like this happens all the time to a lot of scores? Does anyone know why this happens so consistently?

Here are a couple examples of gems that were never officially released and thus ripped from the game files (a luxury that is impossible with film and TV scores)



And here is the song I referenced above, the most recent of my many countless searches to find tracks that I would like isolated


(everything from 0:00 to 2:25)


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