Dad Roasted for Lying to Daughter Instead of Using the Teachable Moment – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


“AITA for eating my cupcake outside?” Posted by u/tycjy

The comment section

Redditors in the comments did not sympathize much with OP, and most even voted “you’re the asshole” for failing to teach the kid the concept of “no.”

“My baby is 1 and she already understands that no she can’t always eat mummy’s food. She doesn’t like it but she understands it!” said u/Zealousideal-Set-592.

“Even my dogs understand this.” said u/SeramaChickens.

“No.” said OP.

“OP, I know that you think we’re all overreacting to your post.” said u/1-2-buckle-my-shoes. “And I agree in the grand scheme of things this is a minor offense. I will say please stop and think for a second about whether or not she portrays this behavior in other areas, too. If your daughter is acting like this in regards to the cupcake, I bet their [sic] are other instances where your daughter acts entitled and a little bit bratty. What you think is funny and cute may be an issue her teachers have to deal with and her other friends. I just say this because I have family and friends who are teachers and often when they go to the parents about problematic behavior the parents always defend the kid or think the teacher is overreacting. Also as a mom to two kids, I’ve seen kids come to my house act super bratty and the parents knowingly allow this behavior because they think it’s not a big deal. I don’t know your family so this may not be the case in this scenario, but I worry that you are missing why some of the comments are a little harsh. Her behavior sounds like a child who’s in need of some boundaries and some lessons on respect. We could all be wrong but just asking you to think about it.

“Yeah, kid does seem spoiled in that aspect at least” said u/Geekfreak2000.


“Yup. My SIL made this terrible habit of letting her son have the last bite of everything she had. Well we were at dinner and MIL hands out ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Nephew was still eating his when mom finished hers so she just ate it all. He didn’t notice until he’d eaten all his ice cream and looked around to see who still had some ice-cream to share with him and he screamed bloody murder when everyone ate their ice cream because nobody shared theirs with him. Even though he already had one just like everyone else he felt entitled to other people sharing theirs with him too. That was a hard lesson that day.” said u/Novel_Fox.

“The sad thing is that the poor kid comes off as an entitled brat, but that’s not even really his fault…it’s the status quo he was taught to accept as his right, so of course he was going to be stunned when suddenly it stopped.” replied another redditor (deleted account).

OP edits his post with a spicy response

Perhaps he wasn’t expecting the overwhelming majority of redditors to vote “YTA,” but OP attempted to defend himself in a sarcastic update.

Read the full thread here.


(Updated December 3, 2022)


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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


