Death in Texas – Playlists

Recently released from prison, Billy will do whatever it takes to save the only person who has stuck by him, his mother Grace, who …







20 responses to “Death in Texas – Playlists”

  1. Indict&ImprisonOrExecute tRump Avatar

    I guess I don't have the same taste or lack of it as people that liked this movie?
    It's one of the worse movies I have suffered through, and if I hadn't already skipped out of two other pieces of YouTube cr@p earlier, I wouldn't have watched it to it to the God Awful End.
    Just as the one I commented on earlier, it had bad acting, a bad script, bad plot, too many clichés, and this one had the most coyote-ugly actors and actresses in almost any movie I have ever seen!
    It was also the worst performance I have seen from Bruce Dern, and I wondered if his acting had become that bad, or was it because of the other bad acting, the script, plot and the director?
    I need to limit myself to making a decision within the first 15 minutes of a movie in the future.
    Do I finish watching a movie that seems to be bad, or do I cut my losses and try to find a decent one?
    I had waited for over 30 minutes into two other losers before this one, and that must be why I suffered through this one to the bitter end.
    I guess I figured that I needed stop wasting the whole night and morning with skipping from one bad movie to another, and finish one of them if a was going to get to bed before the sun rises.
    I looked up Bruce Dern's credits after watching this stinker, and he's been in a lot of movies since this one.
    Maybe he was better and maybe he wasn't?
    I guess I'll have to check the ratings for the movies he did after this one and watch the one that has the highest rating to see how he did?
    Enjoy your movies!

  2. Akbar Avatar

    Beautiful movie. I love the redemption of it all! Lara Flynn Boyle looks even better now than when she was slim and thought to be hot. She looks hotter in this than back then.

  3. Mr. Hanger Avatar

    I can't say that I've ever seen a film quite like this. It really had me going from about 15 mins in. One scene someone get shot and the next scene had me bawling at the touching emotional stuff. Press play!

  4. D Vint Avatar

    What a great movie with a great story and a very happy ending .

  5. Don Doyle Avatar

    Amazing movie👍👍😔🙏

  6. Raul Sanchez Avatar

    Amen , its only film

  7. Michahel Hamilton Avatar

    …"I'm gonna take my left thumb, and gouge out yer left eye!" A MAN OF HIS WORD.
    HA HAAA !!! 😂

  8. Todd Combs Avatar

    Beautifully written.

  9. Ric A Avatar

    Very good movie

  10. Radrums Avatar

    Lara looks like Michael Jackson 🙄😶

  11. Skip Pettit Avatar

    Wonderful movie – Good prevails over evil–Watch to the end.

  12. Long Quach Avatar

    Very good movie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  13. sucktion Avatar

    Rotten tomatoes was 100% correct:

    Death in Texas has too many far-fetched scenarios to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, this dreadful crime drama takes itself way too seriously. There's a lot of corny acting from experienced actors who embarrass themselves by being in this movie. For some it might one of those films that's so bad it might be good.

  14. Anthony Avatar

    Take care Billy

  15. elizabeth noxon Avatar

    Great movie………very touching………what got my attention was those children-young kids tied up, for sex trafficking……..that is going on in this country for ever, and the government is in with it…………….

  16. Patrick Monahan Avatar

    Great cast and movie.

  17. al craft Avatar

    I loved this movie! One of the best I've seen. Two thumbs up👍👍😀

  18. Steven Constantine Avatar

    Get these people a contract

  19. Steven Constantine Avatar

    Great movie, Bruce Dean was always one of my favorites