Definitive Vasectomy Y or N


Alright, so I’ve been thinking about this for years, but I need some feedback from horny people with penises. Is it just the same for you or not? I know everyone’s experience will be different etc etc, but I’m looking for a mass affirmation I guess.

I love cumming inside my partner, and don’t want to make more babies. My libido and sexual satisfaction are hugely important to me. Like sometimes, when life’s tough, I’m so glad I have that to cheer me up.

I know vasectomy doesn’t technically lower libido, but am curious if associated pains or changes in the feeling of orgasm have meant you have had to part ways with your horny and satisfied self and accept less joy in sex.

I am 45 ish, and am keen to hear from people that feel the same way about sex. I know some will say “oh but we all love sex”, but there’s degrees and different priorities in life, and this is mine.

Thanks in advance!


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