Delayed period even after condom plus pull out method


Hello, I just need to ask what the chances are since I’ve been so anxious abt this and she said she doesn’t want to take the pregnancy test until next week because she’s got a big contest coming up this week and she wants to stay laser focused for it.

For context, she said she frequently was irregular but after the first time we had sex, her period became consistent for four months. We practiced safe sex, hell we only had unprotected sex once and it was like, the first time we had sex in November.

Fast forward to first week of april, I put it in once before pulling out and putting the condom in, this made me anxious as to what if this was the trigger, I know, very unlikely but still. I need help, idk if I can take this much anxiety with my midterms coming next week.

EDIT: for specifics, last time we had sex was april 10 and she gets her period in 12th of the month


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