Did anyone lose their libido after age 40?


I used to be very sexual at age 37 (woman’s sexual prime) and was single. Even when I first met my husband he said I was always in fhe mood. But as soon as I hit 40 and married for a few years, my libido has dropped. He is always in the mood and yet I’m not. Not only that but he is not very skilled and not into the same things sexually as me. Like he loves his nipples being sucked (makes him hard) but doesn’t much like oral and that’s one of my fav things. He is also not a good kisser. Before you say “that’s mean” I have told him I’m sexually unfulfilled countless times and he hasn’t tried to make it better except a few times. And he also is in denial and says “its good” and ” othrr women had no problems orgasming” Do you think im just not attracted? or is it my age?


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