Did I assault my boyfriend by messing around while he was asleep?


Ok so my boyfriend and I are very playful with each other when it comes to sex, and we spent the night together last night. I woke up before him this morning and he was facedown and I pulled the blanket off and decided to be playful. He’s a **VERY** heavy sleeper (like really, he needs like 20 different alarms to wake up) and I started kneading his ass, and he didn’t wake up. Then I started to massage the area around his asshole and started to kiss around it. Still asleep. Then I decided to go all the way and started to rim him for a minute or two…he still didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to try fingering him since that would NOT be a playful and/or pleasant way to wake up so I just kinda chuckled and threw the blanket back on him and snuggled back up next to him.

After he woke up I didn’t mention it, but it’s been on my mind all day…did I assault him? I was being playful and we’ve done buttplay like that before, but of course sleeping people can’t give consent. I don’t know how to feel about this and I’m worried I might’ve done something terrible.

Does anyone have any insight to offer?


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