Didn’t have an optimal erection on my second time today and she thinks that I don’t find her attractive


I’m a little desperate. I had a great erection when we were making out but it started to disappear after a while. Then, when it was time for sex, I couldn’t put the condom on properly. I don’t know if it’s because it didn’t fit but it wouldn’t go all the way. This didn’t help the erection at all. We had some intercourse but my penis was too limp, I stopped after a while and apologized. She felt very sad and hurt, to a point where she was about to leave. I managed to somehow convince her that I found her attractive (which is true!) and we spent a couple hours together. I don’t want to deceive her next time.

Is there anything I can do to help my situation? My first time was very similar, the erection process was pretty much the same. Today was my second time having sex but my first time with this girl I’m in a serious relationship with. I’m also 18 if that helps. Any kind of advice is appreciated.

Good day/night to everyone


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