Does female virginity affect oral contraceptives at all?


Hello everyone. I’m female (19) and about to have intercourse for the first time in a couple days. BF and I plan on using condoms (already bought) but my mother insists I should try the pill. She called her gynecologist (currently out of town) by herself and the gyn claimed there’s “first time pregnancy risk” or something similar. Now, I’ve read plenty about contraception, virginity, pregnancy, and sex on my own. Virginity as I know it is a bullshit concept with inconsistent, little biological basis, and all the pills I’ve looked up require you to take them for two days, for 7 consecutive days, or at the start of your period. My mother’s request is on short notice. She told me I should just go to the pharmacy and ask “what pill can you give me for first time” She’s a pretty uneducated, janky person and hangs out with the most ridiculous people, so I’m asking online because I don’t trust her or anyone she trusts.

For some reason she keeps focusing on this “first time” thing – in case I do take the pill will that affect me somehow? Thanks.


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