Donnie Darko (Director’s Cut) – Playlists

After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who …







40 responses to “Donnie Darko (Director’s Cut) – Playlists”

  1. Almighty Loaf Avatar

    Donnie and friends waiting at the bus stop will always be such a classic scene LMAO

  2. Charles Maxwell Avatar

    Best super hero movie

  3. rem Avatar

    a classic

  4. Gitfiddle 7766 Avatar

    As far as I can understand this insane movie (which I love btw😂) Donnie did something to break space and time and create an alternate universe or timeline that he currently lives in. If he doesn’t fix the timeline something terrible will happen because he ripped space time and caused this other reality that shouldn’t exist. He’s getting clues from the demon bunny on how to fix the problem. I believe he somehow “fixes” space time but dies in the end. That’s as much as I could figure out. I think the deeper meaning of the movie is if let go our personal selfish feelings and depression (which Donnie suffers from) about our unknown future we can live by serving others. Thus we find real purpose in life no matter how long or short our life on earth.

  5. Alex Quintana Avatar

    Never seen this as it just randomly popp'd up as I was driving and unable to change…I will continue the movie and see where it goes😂

  6. Top_Skip Avatar

    casting a sister and brother as sister and brother
    he's older but plays her younger brother
    racecar is racecar backwards
    a palindrome

    the fear of palindromes is called aibohphobia, a palindrome
    go figure

  7. obey the moon Avatar

    …. the matrix of reality

  8. obey the moon Avatar

    Time travel always has been and always will be

  9. EvilEmpire83 Avatar

    The directors cut is amazing, completely different movie once I saw this version.

  10. Bradley Walker Avatar

    This film is a trip man…

  11. DestroyRebuild Avatar

    If I could fix the mistakes of my past, yeah, I'd let a jet engine fall on me.

  12. me 33 Avatar

    the best movie ever made !

  13. Jwok Cockrum Avatar

    We're not sopost to tell anyone what nobody knows…..that's what we still being told….great line….

  14. Jwok Cockrum Avatar

    I love how much the party reminds me of when I was a teen partys every weekend on big houses like that and meeting beautiful ladies i miss those days…..

  15. Eddy Schmidt Avatar

    Opening song choice not great

  16. Debi Gordon Avatar

    Wow…had to keep rewinding. Read some reviews & rewound some more! Haven't seen the original, but muchly enjoyed this version w the Book Chapters… explained a LOT! AWESOME MOVIE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  17. Shannon Black Avatar

    One of my favorite movies of all time

  18. Elle Bell Avatar

    I always was confused about why the mom looked less sad at the end…and why she waved at Gretchen: because the last words she heard donnie say that night before he died was that she was a bitch 😂

  19. My Travels Avatar

    I like how youtube chooses the most poignant parts in the film to show the stupid commercials. Ah cant wait to see what happens? Right after these two no skip commercials 👌

  20. Laura Avatar

    This is one of the first movies 25 years ago that dealt with the possibility of "Parallel Universes". The night before the accident, he "went sleepwalking". In a "dream world" or parallel universe, he lived out the life he WOULD have had where there was NO accident. In the parallel world, Gretchen dies. In this world, Donnie dies. His "Over Soul" chose that he would rather be in a world where he dies because he could not bear the thought of living without her in the parallel world. This movie is about a "Glitch" in our "Fractal Simulation". We live in a "Simulated Holographic Universe".

  21. ꧁Natus Iterum꧂ Avatar

    Masterpiece. Movies should take you on a journey. This one does it well.

  22. HARD SEBIV Avatar

    Dam director's cut too…. YouTube spoiling us with these classy joints 💯👌👍🎥🍿😊

  23. Tired of it Avatar

    This is absolutely insane. I hate big government and the elites that thunk everything is theirs for the taking. We, as Americans at leaet, need to rise up against bog government and the super rich elites who think they can do whatever they want to the rest of us

  24. Els Vaughn Avatar

    Either I was too high when I saw this when it came out, or this is way different

  25. Travel Explorer Avatar

    Movie was deep a friend had to explain it to me kinda confusing

  26. Caustic Wit Avatar

    Man. 3rd time in a day. How does this movie hit such a nerve with me. I love it.

  27. monster syfy channel Avatar

    Frank is an interesting character. He looks evil but isn't. He's also mysterious and seems to be acting on a mission but not entirely sure what kind.

  28. Skelly love Avatar

    I’m on an airplane watching this rn.

  29. A. Williams Avatar

    Cellar Door 🖤

  30. Assbat 1 Avatar

    Could have sworn the beginning song was not by INXS

  31. Birdboy029 Avatar

    Sometimes I get hung up on movies when I can't tell what the point is that the filmmakers are trying to get across. Like, the Message or Premise. If it's just a fun adventure or interesting exploration of lore/mythology, it's not enough of a purpose for me. For me it's like, "what's the point?"

    That's why it's important for viewers like me to know, going into it, that one of the film's genres is MYSTERY. The mental chess game of it all — the act of discovery — is enough of a purpose to satisfy me.

    But I'm still curious… I sense that the filmmakers are also holding up the virtue of self-sacrifice, and a couple of other simple themes. Exploring them within this super unique lore they've crafted. I'd like to know if the message does go deeper than just “sacrifice is good.”

  32. Jordin Reed Avatar

    Its amazing how well the soundtrack is linked to the actual meaning and plot behind this film. For example, "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy division played as Donnie opens to the door to Gretchen which was quite literal because he loved Gretchen that he was no longer scared of death and to die alone and that allowed her to live and never meet Donnie because he died, all in all, "tearing them apart".

  33. Zabina Avatar

    never seen this version before. immediately thrown off by the completely different opening song?! 😳 This cut was not very good.

  34. Noah Avatar

    theatrical yesterday directors cut today lol

  35. Guan Yin 🪸 Avatar

    Honestly the Theatrical cut is better. Once you watch the entire thing and understand. Rewatching gives you a whole different pov of Donny. Theatrical is better to me because we get to watch the slow decline into mental illness, which confuses us and in ways makes us feel just as fragmented and lost because we are able (with out the book) to see some mystic truth without knowing all. Forcing us in the crazy person seat too. This version is way too literal and takes the mastery of implication out 😮

  36. 8nublet8 Avatar

    The soundtrack is different