Dreamscapes: A New International Motion Picture Narrated By Kate Winslet @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Just before the start of the Cannes Film Festival, Klemens Hallmann, CEO and producer of Hallmann Entertainment Company, announces his latest film narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Kate Winslet.

DreamScapes is a “United Earth Project” captured by more than 250 of the most talented video artists in more than 100 countries around the globe. The epic visual journey is accompanied by a monumental film soundtrack that allows the viewer to experience the images even more intensely.

Academy Award winner Kate Winslet states: “I was delighted to be asked to capture the voice of Mother Earth. It’s very special to be a part of something that doesn’t focus just on the declining world, but instead gives prominence to the beauty and diversity of our miraculous planet and gives a moment for us to pause and reflect on the importance of preserving its uniqueness. With these wonderful images and evocative music, the film is a magical immersive experience.”

The project was an enormous undertaking, as producer Klemens Hallmann confirms: “Bringing together so many talented people from many different countries was a real challenge and resulted in a multi-year editing and music composing process. I am particularly proud that we were able to engage Kate Winslet as our voice of Mother Earth. To have an internationally renowned actress supporting our project, we feel, has added to the gravity and uniqueness of the piece. Kate also understands and values the natural world just as much as we do, which was deeply important for us, alongside the many other people who helped to build a film with a lot of heart and soul.”

Spectacular imagery from all parts of the world

The film is a compelling story about our planet through the seasons. The viewer’s perception is elevated to a new dimension in breathtaking, high-definition aerial imagery and some of the world’s most exciting time-lapse and slow-motion footage. The high-speed photography used brings processes to life in a completely new way. The latest production is a timeless experience of sound and music for all generations.

Accompanied by monumental film music composed by Edwin Wendler, the film is a fascinating work that makes viewers look at “Mother Earth” again with childlike wonder.

The participation of the Vienna Boys Choir and the Vienna Girls Choir in the multi-layered soundtrack marks their joint international debut in a film production. This year, the Vienna Boys Choir celebrates its 525th anniversary. Children from 24 nations are currently singing in the choirs whose tradition and education are part of UNESCO’s cultural heritage. To have one of the most famous and best choirs in the world on board underlines the high artistic quality of the production. As one of the Vienna Girls Choir’s patrons, Klemens Hallmann is committed to help create equal opportunities for the choir and enhance its visibility.

The film is primarily dedicated to future generations to show how important it is to treat our planet with care.

DreamScapes unites writer and director Christian Machacek and producer Klemens Hallmann again after traveling together on all continents for several outstanding international productions such as “Breathtaking” or “Beer-tastic!” to tell extraordinary stories. Patrick Knapp-Schwarzenegger supports this movie as executive producer.

The film is currently in the final stage of post-production and is scheduled for international release in the fall of 2023. It will be offered to distributors by Hallmann Entertainment Company at the upcoming international Marché du film, which runs during the film festival.

Further information and the trailer for the film can be found at:


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