Eating pussy has become an important factor during my sex life, but my girlfriend is not letting me do it anymore


I have been with my girlfriend for 2.5 years and sex has been great for the most part. We would have sex regularly, and would usually start by doing oral on each other. But eating her pussy is what drives me crazy and makes me want to perform even better during our love sessions. I love every stroke I give her with my tongue, and feel her hands pull my head even deeper between her legs while I’m eating her out. I would even tell her to hold my head tight by grabbing my hair. I could literally stay the whole sex session eating her pussy, but she wants me to penetrate and what not, too.

However, about 4 months ago she started to complain that I would last too long eating her and that she wanted to try other things. I was fine with it since she would still set up the mood and would still make me feel satisfied when I would cum. But now she doesn’t allow me to eat her out and keeps making up excuses to not go down on her. I am sure that she used to like it before, since I would make her have orgasms while I eat her pussy. Actually, the first time that we ever had sex, I made her cum with my tongue while touching around her whole body. This has made me feel a bit insecure and we’ve had a couple of times where I cum, but feel like I could’ve done better if I had tasted her.

She still does oral on me, brings brilliant ideas, talks dirty in my ear, but I just don’t find as much joy as I do when I am eating her pussy. It’s such an essential part of this beautiful journey for me. I have told her how much I enjoy it but she continues not letting me lick anymore. I am worried that this may affect our relationship in the future if this continues.

So my questions are: is it that me eating her pussy became something monotonous to her? What could I do as I find it such an important part of our sex life? I know that insisting may not help, but could I still remind her how much I enjoy it? Maybe I’m putting less effort on other areas?

Also I’m not English native. So sorry if I made grammatical errors.


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