Embarrassed to talk about sex


In freshmen year of college I (20M) realized that I really didn’t like to talk about sex. When I moved in with my roommates they would always talk about it and I felt almost like a shame to talk about it or even hear it. I was pretty distant from that until that year when I had lost my virginity. Having sex isn’t the problem but talking about it makes me feel so weird and embarrassed but everyone I know does it so casually. I had originally just dismissed me not talking about it as a straight person thing but even when I talk about it to other gay guys it still felt weird. As college has gone by I thought that I would become naturally accustomed to talking about it but it feels just as weird as it did freshmen year. I tried however as some of my friends were interviewing me for a class. It was all questions about sex and intimacy in general. I have never felt more awkward and uncomfortable about talking about sex and it’s not like the questions were overly invasive, it’s the same things I hear everyone talking about. How do I overcome this weird feeling of almost shame?
And do other people not feel the same or do they hide it?


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