Embarrassing Question? – Squirting with an overactive bladder


This is an embarrassing question for me. Please be nice in comments.

My partner (M19) and I (F21) have been together for a while but we’re long distance so we only get to see each other irl every couple/few months.

So basically… he’s into squirting. I’ve never done this with him, but I have by myself so I know my body is capable of it and I know exactly what it takes to get there. He’s been asking if next time I go to his state (have tickets to see him in a month) we could try to get me to squirt because he finds it hot. I want to make him happy, but my main problem is pee.

Any time I’ve done this at home it’s been in the shower because I know it’s messy. I’m aware you can use towels and things to clean up in a bedroom, but honestly I have bladder issues. Even “normal” squirt sometimes contains some urine, but I know with me I’ll be basically straight up peeing.

I have an overactive bladder (like I said embarrassing question) and if I get to the point of letting myself squirt, I know I won’t be able to control also peeing at the same time. It won’t just be squirting which technically contains urine, it’ll basically just be me peeing.

I’ve brought this up to my partner and he told me he doesn’t care. But I’m worried he’ll change his mind as soon as there’s pee all over him and his bed, lol. Neither of us are into watersports.

We can’t do anything in the shower/bathroom since he lives with family. So it would have to be in a bedroom.



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