Etiquette and safer sex for more than one FWB


I (M, 30’s) may find myself in the fortunate position of having 2 FWBs. I currently have one, we are not monogamous and always use condoms for PIV but not for oral sex. I understand that other partners are on the table for both of us but I haven’t seen anyone but her since I got out of my prior relationship, and I had a clean STD test after that relationship. I don’t know if she has been with anyone else while we have been together but we have only been hooking up for a month. There is another woman who I may have an opportunity to hook up with soon. I was planning on using condoms for PIV with her as well, and be open with her that I’m not looking for exclusivity at this time. Assuming I do hook up with the second woman (and potentially others in the future) if I always use a condom for PIV, and am always upfront that I’m not looking for exclusivity at this time, am I doing enough to protect myself and my partners? I could get STD tests more often I suppose? Do I need to get tested before every new partner? Am I missing anything here? I’m new at this.


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