ETs Among Us 7: UFOs, CIA & the Assassination of JFK – Playlists

Peabody Award winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe and JFK expert Robert Morningstar narrate this shocking exposé of the …







41 responses to “ETs Among Us 7: UFOs, CIA & the Assassination of JFK – Playlists”

  1. Gary Francis Avatar

    Personally I have found it impossible to believe that the planet Earth is the only planet inhabited by life forms! Being younger than E. T.'s I believe we are one of their petri dishes and come under study and at times it is under a microscope!

  2. Aircobraman1 Avatar

    Funny. A documentary made by the CIA about the CIA. Lmao

  3. Brent Slack Avatar

    Linda Howe’s last words are going to be “close quote” and they’re gonna write that shit on her tombstone..

  4. Geezus Avatar

    Wow I never that the first shot hit him in the chest that’s when he bent forward slightly and then the 2nd shot hit him in the head with such force that his head snapped back. This all happened in a few seconds and the shots sounded different like they came from different directions. So I’m to believe that there was 2 shooters.

  5. Jason Nicholson Avatar

    The first time ive ever watched a movie from the future and the present at the same time. Such a mark to reach but it just doesnt feel right. Kind of like i didnt at all. But hey atleast the world hasnt ended in 2024….yet!

  6. James & Rexsanna Tracy Avatar

    Cool …they have this movie dated for next year ,does that mean I’m time traveling?. Cool movie

  7. John Avatar

    COMMENT: You know Linda Moulton Howe, either you are telling the Truth and your description of your meeting with this stranger in Colorado is true to your knowledge and that you have reported what was spoken almost verbatim?? OR, if in the end you are found to have fabricated this story or was told to give this story in a documentary, you will then be remembered as one of the greatest Hoaxer in the History of the U.S.!! There is only a few things I would like to know? If you understood that you were dealing with a secret department of the U.S. Government and they threatened your life if you were to continue with your Reporting, then why did you continue and what threats have you encountered recently? Secondly, you never mentioned what branch of the Military Uniform these Guards were wearing and you never revealed the EXACT LOCATION of this Secret Military fortress?? I mean, if you are willing to risk your life by continuing on with your Reporting, then why not reveal the exact Location of this Facility so that it can be corroborated by Independent Investigators?? There are more questions that I have but these are enough for now?? Can you answer my Questions or will you ignore them to cover up your Lies??? We Will Be Watching Carefully to See What you Do Next???

  8. BIFF TeuTsCh Avatar

    Non of this happened…….. in a parallel universe😉

  9. Gern Avatar

    that's a man baby!

  10. Ray Delavega Avatar

    Here's What I Find RIDICULOUS, UFOS CRASHING??!!?? But Yet They Are Supposedly Light Years Ahead Of Us!!!??? SMELLS SPACEY TO ME.

  11. V G Avatar

    The kerping this secret is a huge mistake only revealing it to the people of the world is the way to pass the test for mankind. And to unite mankndvso we can tell the aliens get off our world and get out of our solar system

  12. V G Avatar

    The aliens will be forced to leave if humanity unitedly demands it. In this region of space there are rules against invading worlds without the permission of the people.

  13. V G Avatar

    Read the books by Marshall Vian Summers if you want to gain access to the greatest power and guidance that exists within you placed by the creator. Without this preparation you will be swept into the fear and chaos

  14. V G Avatar

    Humanity will fail without the New Revelation. The world will become ever darker, more dangerous and conflicted without the Revelation. Humanity will falter and fail in the face of its own errors and lack of clarity. The resources of the world will be spent through conflict, competition and war. People will rise up against their governments. People will rise up against one another. There will be untold conflict in the future, greater and more continuous than anything you have seen before. It is the New Revelation that holds the missing ingredients to your understanding, the key to your awareness and the source of your power, strength and determination. For this you must have a serious mind, take your life seriously and begin to attend to the greater needs and requirements of your life. That is why God has sent the Revelation. This is the Revelation. We are the Revelation. There are no heroes to worship now, no individuals to deify, only greater responsibility to be assumed and a greater wisdom to be utilized. There is no escape through personal enlightenment. There is no running away. There is no self-deception. There is only greater resonance and responsibility, greater sacrifice and contribution. That is what will save the world. That is what will save humanity’s freedom and self-determination in a universe where freedom is rare and must be protected very carefully. This is what will restore dignity to the individual and the ability to contribute something of greater power and significance, no matter what your circumstances may be. Hear these words—not with your ideas, your beliefs or your contentions, but with your heart, your deeper nature.

  15. V G Avatar

    To begin, it is necessary for people everywhere to understand that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. Your world is being “visited” by several alien races and by several different organizations of races. This has been actively going on for some time. There have been visitations throughout human history, but nothing of this magnitude. The advent of nuclear weapons and the destruction of your natural world have brought these forces to your shores. There are many people in the world today, we understand, who are beginning to realize that this is occurring. And we understand as well that there are many interpretations of this visitation—what it could mean and what it could offer. And many of the people who are aware of these things are very hopeful and anticipate a great benefit for humanity. We understand. It is natural to expect this. It is natural to be hopeful. The visitation in your world now is very extensive, so much so that people in all parts of the world are witnessing it and are experiencing its effects directly. What has brought these “visitors” from the Greater Community, these different organizations of beings, is not to promote the advancement of humanity or the spiritual education of humanity. What has brought these forces to your shores in such numbers with such intention are the resources of your world. This we understand may be difficult to accept at first because you cannot yet appreciate how beautiful your world is, how much it possesses and what a rare jewel it is in a Greater Community of barren worlds and empty space. Worlds such as yours are rare indeed. Most places in the Greater Community that are inhabited now have been colonized, and technology has made this possible. But worlds such as yours where life has evolved naturally, without the aid of technology, are far more rare than you might realize. Others take great notice of this, of course, for the biological resources of your world have been used by several races for millennia. It is considered a storehouse for some. And yet the development of human culture and dangerous weapons and the deterioration of these resources have caused the alien Intervention. Perhaps you might wonder why diplomatic efforts are not established to contact the leaders of humanity. This is reasonable to ask, but the difficulty here is that there is no one to represent humanity, for your people are divided, and your nations oppose one another. It is also assumed by these visitors that we speak of that you are warlike and aggressive and that you would bring harm and hostility to the universe around you despite your good qualities.

  16. JAMES. Avatar


  17. Eric Avatar

    if you aren't broke buy gen 3 night vision. you will see them every night up there. ufos changed my idea on what is going on here. we are slaves to some greedy tech master that doesn't share. at least not with many. wildest stuff I've seen was a shape shifting orb with the naked eye. on halloween. mystery school shit I guess. we can call it a ufo but it was more than that. broke the matrix for me.

  18. XplorMore Avatar

    why is intro speaker person sitting sideways , breaking neck to look at camera,😅???

  19. Bob Brown Avatar

    Russia, of course! Was wondering when they'd make their entry into this conspiracy theory.

  20. Shredded cheese63 Avatar

    What. Is. Happening.

  21. stephen Mccandless Avatar

    John Trump was involved in so much in politics that time.

  22. dave h Avatar

    Baloney. I do not believe that story at the start. The government was willing to assassinate JFK on live TV but decides to bring Linda out to their super duper secret base and just tell her everything because she talks too much?
    Well, guess what!! She just spilled all the beans on a documentary free on youtube! Where's the assassination squad at?
    If you believe that story you have an inability to see thru obvious b.s.

  23. MC DJ Official VEVO Avatar

    If you are here in 2023, then you are a gigachad
    This is release next year so if you're watching this in 2023 then you are crazy
    Now you're breaking the time paradox
    Dude stop breaking the fabric of gravity in the universe and you're breaking the milky way in the Sagittarius arm and now you've destroyed all the universe's f-ing gravity
    Dude, stop. you've already done enough
    What in Jesus tuna sandwich are you doing
    Stop breaking the universe
    Don't do it
    No no no no no no no no no no no no no
    What have I just done

  24. Ian Kane Carter Avatar

    Project jehovah(yaweh) also associated with Project monarch(yaweh, st. John, oannes, enki, dagon).

  25. Canada Government Watch Avatar

    There are a few inaccuracies in this… I highly doubt that whoever this man was at the Colorado base would have tipped her off to the JFK connection. And JFK was briefed on the Bay of Pigs and told them he would NOT provide air cover. How ridiculous that you would have an operation going on that the president was not briefed on – highly doubtful and I believe there is documentation that he was briefed. It's also suspicious that The Dark Journalist has been talking about the connection of JFK to UFO file for quite a while and NOW LMH comes out with this and with the projected date – very interesting (and dubious). And I'm only just past 1/2 way through this.

  26. MundizLevi Campos Avatar

    No one can go 2 outer space no rocket nor man because if ocean 🌊 can crush U now think about Space???

  27. Fly Fisherman Avatar

    National Security? If aliens wanted to end this world they would have already done so, and no one could do anything to stop them.

  28. stph Avatar

    This is a random find on a high Tuesday night

  29. Mr. Timebomb Man Avatar

    Got enough ads on this ?

  30. Chihuahua Angels Avatar

    Gee, this is a very chilling documentary. Great details.
    Around 13:40, one can really observe his killing. 1st sedative shot in his neck, made him move very slowly lean forwards, and immobilize him, to shoot him right in the head with the 2nd shot! And Jackie was in the whole plot. Details don't lie. She knew about the whole plan. Yuck. It's straightforward here. Sick. Pictures tell the full truth. 😢 At 30:40 proof she was in it all, as Lace, aka Lancer!
    So sad. He would've helped humanity so much…

  31. Ysah g Toy surprises Avatar

    2024 was a good year

  32. Ysah g Toy surprises Avatar

    Anyway were screwed folks

  33. Anita Avatar

    Something to add to all of this!!!! The speech that JFK was supposed to give on the day of his assassination. To me, just MORE proof that this all is true.

  34. BigEasyUnlimited Avatar

    You know… i would take the first 12 mins of this with a huge grain of salt… if it came from any other mouth on this earth. Hearing LMH say she was intimidated by the govt like that, i 100% believe every word she's saying. I knew the level of corruption and cover ups run deep. But damn…

  35. pfft WHUT Avatar

    bruh wtf this chick looks like an alien herself lol

  36. Ross Meldrum Avatar

    Before I will believe in aliens of any kind, I want proof positive of how they got here, what method of travel they used, how long it took and why they would waste time on a back water planet like ours.

  37. James Anderson Avatar

    There is no "Legal" argument to be made for the assassination of the commander in chief by the director of the CIA. An attempt could be made to bring the President up on treason charges for violating the security sanctions of the State. But assassinations are outside the scope of the Constitution. Dulles was a Globalist before the word was even common parlance. He was protecting the interests of the International Elites and probably the Nazi's, who had already infiltrated the U.S. security establishment. See Dr. Joseph Ferrels work on the influence of the Antartica Nazi's in operation paper clip. The UFO fly over of Washington D.C. in 1951 was a coercive threat to the country by just those same interests. That is what they were and are still hiding to this day. IMO. James E Anderson MBA, MS, JD.

  38. Dan Johnson Avatar

    I know Linda is much loved, but this very typical of her "investigative" work: non-existent. No proof, not even an interview, no nothing. Just a very elementary theory that is utterly unproven and unchallenged and then it's built upon again and again as of it's all some deep revelation. It's Linda's New Age opinion and that's it. There may be a kernel of truth by accident, but certainly no grand explanation for ANYTHING. I know this won't be a popular opinion, but please just cite something unique that Linda has presented. You won't be able to…

  39. J T Avatar

    The Christians will not be able to handle the fact that they have been wrong about religion the whole time cuz their reality is not going to be able to be debated any longer. We all know how horrible it is to debate a Christian on religion