Express yourself in French


As there is no french subredit where I can post this I’m trying here. Clearly addressing the French community. Hope this is ok mods?

I’m seeing a french girl atm, a regular hookup. Someone class, mid 40’s and a real animal once the curtains close. We’re not trying to get together.

I’m not french, but live and work in France, and therefor am fluent with the ‘most sensual language in the world’… But not at all with the french ‘love language’

What do you say to a woman when you have passionate sex. How do you express you like what you’re doing, compliment her on her body and acts, tell her you desire her.

Atm I really only tell her: ‘tu es tellement bonne’- ‘j’ adore… ‘- ‘je t’ adore’

Can’t think of anything else, most things translated to french sound dull, generic,..

I’m not looking for realy soft things like: ” tu as des beaux yeux, j’aime tes seins, je t’aime,.. ”
And not looking for ‘degrading’ things like ” suce moi salope, je vais te foutre la bite dans ton petit cul…” yikes just the thought of it 😅

So a sensual ‘entre-deux’ would be perfect, guys, hold your horses, stay classy! Girls, what would you like him to tell you/ how would you like him to express himself during the act.


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