EXTREMELY horny after going off of birth control?


I went off of birth control a couple of months ago and I am absolutely driven to distraction by men and sex. I’ll be trying to have some sort of normal exchange with a man at work or the gym and I’m staring at his shoulders, thinking about running my tongue up his shaft. It is to the point that when certain men hold my gaze or show some sort of dominance over me, I can’t even look them in the eyes and have a hard time talking!
Is it completely obvious that I want them to pin me down?
The last time I wasn’t on birth control I was a teenager, so extreme horniness seemed normal, but I’m 28. I’ll admit it’s sort of fun, but it is distracting! And I do not want to be a creepy perv (though I never say anything. what is your experience going off BC, or when your partner did? this horniness going to calm down or is this how I naturally am? Also men why are you so fucking hot??


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