F23 and M28 Seeking Advice on Open Communication and Exploring Shared Sexual Fantasies


Hey everyone,

I’m seeking advice on navigating a recent development in my relationship. My girlfriend (F23) and I (M28) have had open discussions about our sexual desires and fantasies. Recently, she asked me if I was curious about engaging in active oral sex with another man. Additionally, she shared that a few weeks ago during a party vacation, she had a playful experience with a friend in the ocean, involving making out and some light petting.

In a recent conversation, we both expressed our interests in potentially involving others in our intimate moments. While she is keen on exploring with another woman, I am interested in involving another man. This conversation sparked a passionate experience between us.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice on how to maintain open communication, establish boundaries, and navigate the exploration of these shared desires. Your perspectives and experiences would be invaluable in helping us move forward in a healthy and respectful manner.

Thank you for your time and support!

Best regards


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