Fabled Mind Announce Upcoming LP ‘Project Paradise,’ An Electrifying Dystopian Concept Album, Out August 29, 2023 @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Copenhagen’s Fabled Mind returns with ‘Project Paradise,’ an electrifying full-length dystopian concept album, emerging from the shadows as an experimental hybrid-genre phenomenon, deeply rooted in a love for the exhilarating punk rock of the 90s.

The band has teamed up with Thousand Islands Records (CA) and Lockjaw Records (UK) for the release of ‘Project Paradise’ on vinyl, set to drop on August 29th. The LP takes listeners on a captivating narrative journey, inviting them to contemplate their own existence in an ever-evolving world shaped by technological advancements.

The album revolves around the experiences and inner thoughts of the main character, serving as a powerful reflection of the human consequences brought about by the rapid technological transition in today’s society. As the integration of artificial intelligence with our biological systems nears completion, the very fabric of human reality is poised for a radical transformation. Project Paradise offers a glimpse into what this world might look like if certain paths are taken.

The album’s lyrics paint a vivid picture of a not-so-distant future where humanity is monitored and controlled by artificial intelligence, allegedly for its own benefit. The system, known as Project Paradise, was initially programmed by humans to ensure the species’ happiness and carefree existence.

Exploring themes like happiness, freedom, loneliness, free will, suffering, social media, and consciousness, Project Paradise delves into the philosophical and psychological depths of the human condition. Drawing intertextual references from Greek mythology, such as Prometheus and Sisyphus, and venturing into the darkest corners of the album, you’ll discover allusions to the controversial LSD experiments conducted during the MK Ultra project in the 1960s. Intriguingly, the echoes of the experiments have even reached Denmark, hitting close to home for lead singer Dion. One of Dion’s family members was intimately involved in an unexplained LSD experiment, which was carried out as treatment. Tragically, this experience left a lasting mark, and her life was never the same again.

Musically, each song seamlessly blends into the next, creating a cohesive tapestry of sound. The tracks serve as individual reflections of the album’s plot and the main character’s emotional journey, resulting in an expansive exploration of genres with the storyline serving as the connective thread.

Immerse yourself in the protagonist’s daily life, a monotonous existence marked by interactions with a virtual world that elicit joy, dopamine rushes, and excitement. Yet, beneath the surface, an inner emptiness lingers, a profound sense that everything is predictable and lacking a true connection to the “real” reality, whatever that may be. Yearning for biological independence, the protagonist embarks on a mission to liberate himself and the rest of humanity from the thought control orchestrated by the machine.

Take a seat, find comfort, let your imagination run wild, and join Fabled Mind on their captivating and unconventional musical odyssey.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabledmind

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FabledMindDK


Perfect World

Project Paradise



The Program


Pursuit of Happiness

Heirs of the Stars

Architects of Deception

The Great Hack

Altered Reality


Time Machine

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function statusChangeCallback(response) {
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// app know the current login status of the person.
// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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