Fire Ants: The Invincible Army – Playlists

Fire ants are one of the most destructive species on earth. This documentary explores the secrets of their success and ingenious …







20 responses to “Fire Ants: The Invincible Army – Playlists”

  1. heymaker phd Avatar

    What does Sevin do to them? How about diatomaceous earth? How about gasoline and sealing the mound? Or putting a tube down there and letting propane trickle in? How about tractor or dozer subsoiler and a flamethrower? An electrical trap once built should be able to kill many ants economically without harming much else. .? Around here, wasps and yellow jackets are the main terrorists!

  2. GreatWhite Clips Avatar

    Fire ant hype train. I've never lost a fight to a fire ant

  3. JRocco 36 Avatar

    I live in Florida, And I had planted some young Coconut palms. Fire ants moved in around the base and toppled one over because the loosened the ground around roots. I killed the ants and packed dirt around the roots but was amazed how loose the trees had become. Ive also seen walkways crack and cave in due to fire ants undermining the walks and driveways

  4. AzTrailRider57 Avatar

    Does anyone else have the crawlies?

  5. Struttingeagle Avatar

    Was doing a military exercise in Texas and had to duck down out of sight. I balanced myself on what I thought was a log while keeping an eye on what was going on with the exercise and my hand suddenly felt as if on fire. I looked down and brushed my hand off as it was completely covered by fire ants. I had put my hand on a fire and mound. The sores took quite awhile to heal and after nearly three decades I still get small warts where the bites were.

  6. Matt In The Box Avatar

    I fight them in Florida

  7. EdwardCurrent Avatar

    This movie was obviously funded by Big Phorid Fly

  8. Greg Bellinger Avatar

    The cockroach is a rival for successful adaptation over time.

  9. Jon B Avatar

    Fire ants are the worst! As a kid we'd put Black Cat firecrackers into the mound and then light it. Thought it was funny until they landed on us and started biting. Our brain dead solution was to steal mom's hair spray and lighter then go to work! Lucky I still have all my fingers and the ability to grow hair…….

  10. tillettman Avatar

    During the hot summer months in Texas, fire ants invade homes, looking for moisture, such as the moisture that hundreds of ants can get from your bathroom towels.

  11. Edward Gensheimer Avatar

    When i was younger working in lawn service you would get bit all the time. You get bit it causes a puss ball at the bite. When you scratch the bite it causes infentago. Its like a flesh eatiing puss. Then you get little cuts and scratch it spreads. Someone else touch the machine someone the weedeater you were working with it spreads the whole crew gets it. I bad a whole on the calf of my leg a half inch deep that would get puss in it that stank like hell. It took a year probably to fully heal. The crew had it on hands legs even on the face. Its hard to keep clean when your out doing work that enharently gets you dirty and sweaty all day. I still got the scar from it. All from a fireant bite.

  12. Edward Gensheimer Avatar

    When i was younger working in lawn service you would get bit all the time. You get bit it causes a puss ball at the bite. When you scratch the bite it causes infentago. Its like a flesh eatiing puss. Then you get little cuts and scratch it spreads. Someone else touch the machine someone the weedeater you were working with it spreads the whole crew gets it. I bad a whole on the calf of my leg a half inch deep that would get puss in it that stank like hell. It took a year probably to fully heal. The crew had it on hands legs even on the face. Its hard to keep clean when your out doing work that enharently gets you dirty and sweaty all day. I still got the scar from it. All from a fireant bite.

  13. MH DuBois Avatar

    Fire ants in the rain… Can you imagine having a gallon of water chucked at your head every few seconds while trying to maintain balance on a plank 25 feet in the air, which is all being held up by your little sister? Damn. Thank goodness for mindless swarm intelligence because my first thought would likely be, 'Wait… What the fuck am I trying to do here?!'

  14. John Chieze Avatar

    until they met up with a bottle of orange oil, lol

  15. Professor Americano Avatar

    I was about 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle and I was surprised to see ants walking across the snow on a tundra

  16. RodgerRamjet Avatar

    i have read about ants since i was a kid in elementary school, as they are beyond fascinating.. and deadly. and adaptive..
    its odd they didnt mention diatomaceous earth, as another "kryptonite" for ants.. its good for your soil, and it causes the ants to literally "grind themselves to death". its small enough to get into the joints of the ant, and acts like sandpaper. its 100% harmless to humans pets and animals, and they DO make a food grade, which is simply more purified, as its a genuine calcium supplement.

    so if andro ant poison, gasoline, explosives, dont work or you dont want your yard a waste land of death and destruction, get several pounds of diatomaceous earth. no, its NOT quick, and if it rains it kinda just washes away. it wont absorb water, but is easily dispersed by it. so you need to re-apply.

    best to puncture the mound, make them "riot", pour powder onto and into any openings, and just leave it to physics to "grind them to a halt"…

    wonderful documentary, and glad to hear we are working on eradicating them thru natural means, and that there ARE natural means..

  17. JamesStreet Avatar

    I HATE those damn fire ants. They akmost wiped out the quail and rabbit population down south. I have walked a thousand miles putting ant poison on theur mounds. It keeps them out for a few months then they're right back.

    Edit People who have been caught in flash floods and climb trees to get out of the water will find themselves covered with these DAMN things

    I was working in Louisiana and I'd have to leave my car parked at the terminal for weeks at a time. Once when i got back the fk'ers had built a nest around one of my tires and flattened it and were inside my car. I hope these people do find a way to eradicate these things.

    One thing i can say about them is that every ant works for the survival of the colony. Humans work to better themselves and thats it.

  18. Antney Avatar

    This is so extremely well done! I would watch anything this man makes because I know it is going to be of very high quality and educational, too.