From zero interest to aroused… Why?!


S.O.S (maybe? Kind funny but really annoying) would like any informed advice.

Hey all,

Kind of thrown for a loop here.

It’s my personal choice to be celibate, (F) I’m almost 40 and I do masturbate, my last gyn recommended it and I see nothing wrong with it.

However, due to trauma, I usually have no sex drive and I don’t have the will to masturbate more than once or twice a month, sometimes much less, like every 4 months or so.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy the feeling, but once it’s over, there no endorphins, no big relaxation, nothing, so it often feels pointless, however…

However, I masturbated two nights ago, the next day I was so aroused that when I got back from work I had to masturbate again and today I’m aroused and sensitive to my clothes!

This has never in my life, even before the trauma, been an issue, if anything, the opposite was the problem, now I’m hoping this over-arousal is temporary, I’d rather focus on work then have this and I don’t feel like I can ask my doctor, I just moved States and I barely know her!

Do I just keep on masturbating until I’m over it?
Please know that for many reasons partnered sex isn’t an option right now so yes, it’s masturbation or nothing.

Please be kind!

Any honest insite that you have is appreciated!


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