Furious – Playlists

A story of a legendary battle, where seventeen fearless warriors defend their land against an army of thousands well-trained …







20 responses to “Furious – Playlists”

  1. Benjamin Avatar

    Dang, makes you want to be Russian. I can’t die one a Friday!

  2. Al Glen Avatar

    America has lost favor in God's eyes. We have fell in love with the Zionist that deceive humanity. Need we name them? They claim to be of the chosen, but are of Satan.

  3. pigtail trucker Avatar

    Wait What, so they buried him beneath rocks. Where did they get the Rocks…. 🧐

    They brought their own 😂

  4. Vale Visa Avatar

    Not for me,too many orcs .

  5. Lester Glenn Heckard Avatar

    There's a lot of us that believe this way no one 1⃣ can take what they want from this country and we shouldn't ever give up on what we believe in our rights we will push all that trying to take are freedom from us again stand and fight for are rights to live as free people who will not back down from anyone ever ❤

  6. Chuck U. Farley Avatar

    who likes to read a movie?

  7. randomcommenteronyoutube Avatar

    I wish the Mongols had just gotten rid of all of the Russian tribes and kingdoms in real history. A pathetic, degenerate culture.

  8. Pen Steel Avatar

    Darn good movie

  9. Kerri Beck Avatar

    look up "eyes of a stranger;" just like the scene says "I remember now."

  10. Sonny Avatar

    One of the best movies I've watched.

  11. Taba Allday Avatar

    I know I watched this movie before…
    It’s slowly coming back to me. Hopefully I don’t fall asleep 😂

  12. N L Avatar

    Nice movie but it's hard to believe they are mongols. There is too much paint on them and they don't have metal suits. They wear fur hats with a silk tunic as an under garment and lots of fur clothing. They don't walk at all since they all have at least 5 horses to each man and prefer to down their enemy from afar. If they do get close they would be charging with lances. Remember, the mongols are the greatest light calvary army the world has ever seen. They don't walk. They ride and shoot you. They don't get close because they can't afford to lose men. So they shoot you from a distance and in large numbers. not a few men. If they are outnumbered and outpaced then they retreat to let you chase until your horses are tired because they can switch horses and ride for days. Then they just turn around kill their enemies on foot. That is mongol tactics.

    I was hoping to see Subutai in the movie. Batu would've had him on the expedition during this time. too bad.

  13. Joseph bradshaw Avatar

    What i don’t get is Russia was a important part in destroying the nazi regime but yet we are enemies but take Ukrainians for example who were a important part of fighting with the nazis but we give them our weapons like we are friends as the Ukrainian president sells our weapons all over the world. Screwed up.

  14. Amber Avatar

    Good movie. I loved the art. The visuals. The costumes of the Russian religious and royalty plus the design of Khans costume and eye makeup. I’m not sure the historical accuracy but who cares.

  15. Alfred Elais Avatar

    Los Rusos le sometieron Heavy, Duty 💯💯💯👀💪💪💪👌

  16. F Camp Avatar

    The Russians language is such a crude and filthy language! Would have been a better movie if we didn’t have to listen to that crap!


    A Beautiful Angelic shared this video with me…

  18. Ralph Christopherson Avatar

    Maybe Putin should watch this! He has no honor.