Fwb couldn’t finish


Hi so I’ve had a fwb for a few months now and we hookup once a week.

Since meeting him he’s always been an early finisher which I don’t mind, i take it in a way I’m doing something correct as he’s able to finish.

For the first time last night he didn’t cum. I gave him head which felt like was a long time, must have been 20 minutes and usually it takes him no time at all so that took me back a little bit and then he said shall we do doggy, so we did. Well anyway what felt like a lifetime he still did not cum! It was the longest sex I’ve ever had, I was actually in pain. Usually he finishes within a minute or 2 but this was long.

It would start getting good and felt to me like we was getting somewhere then it would slip out and jab me in my clit which was extremely painful and must have happened about 50 times so I just stopped and he asked if we could continue and I said no, just because i was in pain and wasn’t enjoying myself by this point. And he said okay and then in 2 mins said he had to go, got his stuff and left it was weird. About an hour before this we did have sex which I’m pretty sure he did cum so maybe that effected it? But then again if he knew he couldn’t go again then I’m not sure why he’d suggest I give him head and then we fuck?

Now I’m feeling a little bit like I’ve done something and feel slightly bad. He’s not messaged me so I’m just going to leave it.

Does this happen to other males where sometimes they can’t cum?


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