FWB offer – should I?


I dated a girl for a few months, literally over 20 years ago. We were not a great match, the sex was OK, we were compatible there, but it was never going to be a long term emotional connection. She married someone else about 17 years ago, I went to the wedding, it was lovely. I got married 15 years ago, she came to the wedding. We are adults now, kids, etc.

I have not seen her in probably 10 years. She lives overseas and is in town for the next week. She’s offered me a FWB (friends with benefits) type of no strings sex and says her husband is OK with it. I have been 100% faithful for 15 years, but…. I am bored, selfish, still have a lot of testosterone, etc.

Especially considering this is my first and last chance real chance…. Should I take the offer or pass?


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