Gang In Blue – Playlists

A group of white police officers allow their racist feelings to turn murderous.








20 responses to “Gang In Blue – Playlists”

  1. Travis Lee Avatar

    33.46 I find it hard to believe a woman climbed up a ladder that high in high heels more like she took two steps down the ladder to make it look like she climbed up the ladder

  2. billie burke Avatar

    Back when Charles Manson got put into prison, one of the biggest predictions he made was about the coming War between our people in America. Black/Whites &
    I was 6-7 when he said all this. Fast forward, I went to school during desegregation & the black kids(small numbers) were bused outta St.Louis down to an upper
    class school(Webster Groves High School). Several thousand of us were in 9th-12th, a large school & we had less than 6 fights in my 3 yrs there. Black kids were
    my best friends b/c I wasn't from that well to do place but there wasn't a Race problem then & that was 1976. Shoot until the mid 90's & black/whites were all best
    buddies for the most part in suburbia, whites dressed in their clothes & wanted to be Rap Stars…lol, we thrived together b/c there wasn't a problem but these
    movies were part of an "indoctrination" of American kids…. our TVNEWs has been working the Racial Wars for 60 yrs or more but don't let them divide us!!
    The police are equal opportunity "THUG's" against ALL Races nowadays…… United we stand = Divided we fall ! Don't let our leaders win ! peace

  3. Fred Brothers Avatar

    I'm just glad that cops aren't racist like this movie portrays. Sure there my be a few dirty cops but 99% are just doing there job and trying to make it home.

  4. Rose McHaney Avatar


  5. Janette Brown Avatar

    This is a good movie

  6. Steven Kocienski Avatar

    Moose is a asshole a little red neck ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

  7. Mary Shoemaker Avatar

    Very good movie Youtube ๐Ÿ‘ thanks for share'n n God bless ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™

  8. Jeff Campbell Avatar

    The four cities named at the end, where cops were removed, are now among the top crime areas in the nation. Coincidence?

  9. Linda lawon Avatar

    All of the corrupt officers have expired.
    All of the low level drug dealers have expired.
    The cartels must be brought to justice worldwide.
    All countries deserve to live in peace without fear.

  10. Tawanda Maat Avatar

    Racist soldiers birth rate numbers are still decreasing in the year of 2023. Foundation Black Americans we all we got.

  11. Reginald Mosley Avatar

    Father and son worked on this one together. Great movie.

  12. paul Avatar

    cops have expanded , they don,t care how good your tan is, if you,re a citizen then you,re fair game, we the people are thier enimies according to them and spineless and corrupt judges and politicians and disstrict attorneys could,nt give 2 phks !!!

  13. paul Avatar

    you left out baltimore, cops are scum!!!

  14. Dianne de Arriel Avatar

    ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป. ๐Ÿ‘Ž. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿฝ. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿฝ. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿพ. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿฟ.

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    In my opinion Moose is right about everything even though it sucks that he died though. Because doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing. Even when you should trust your partner like Moose aka Stephen Lang.

  16. KILEY KINNON Avatar

    Two thumbs way up. Every American deserves to get served and protected.

  17. ฮฉ เธฏ Avatar

    Funny, THIS is relevant STILL. Good film. YOUTUBE๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

  18. Deshawn Pierce Avatar

    This movie reminds me of training day a little bit with a Twist of New York Undercover type shyt LOL

  19. Frank Vavru Avatar

    To serve and protect? By the way It is taken off.
    I am scared every time I get pulled over. These guys do not know the law and are stomping all over people's constitutional rights the most stupid of any class it used to be they could not get any other job only LOW PAY SECURITY JOB. Where have you been, where are you going and that are not cops they are the "RENT A PIGS". WHO GAVE THEM THE POWER? . I DID NOTHING and this undersize stupid degenerate sprayed me with MACE and then hit me with BLACK JACK in my forehead. Then when I was out he jump on my back and injured my lower back. I ended up with huge lump on my forehead. Injured elbow. And dicreased mobility. If every thing goes the way it is going in couple years I will not be able to walk not even to stand. Just taking shower is difficult and painfully job.