Genius – Playlists

A stirring drama about the complex friendship and transformative professional relationship between book editor Maxwell Perkins …








46 responses to “Genius – Playlists”

  1. George Hays Avatar

    Take your hat off at the table. The writer seems pretty manic. Maybe that’s what you have to be to write long books. He’s a narcissist and an alcoholic as well.

  2. Mary Donohoe Avatar

    This film epitomizes the idea that acting is the “noble art.”
    My gratitude to all the gifted performers who graced this work, and to those who made it available to us!

  3. Andrea Andrea Avatar

    (7:28) What man sits down to dinner WITH HIS HAT STILL ON??? That is peculiar!

  4. John Gary Tatum Avatar

    Wow, Max Perkins was a great editor of many great authors.

  5. Linda Skoug Avatar


  6. dire wolf Avatar

    it would appear that mr perkins has no manners as he never removes his hat even in his own home and office as well as in public restaurants .. how is that possible for a man of refinement ???

  7. Speedbump Avatar

    A wonderful, wonderful movie!

  8. Patricia Heil Avatar

    audio drops in 10 minutes from start.

  9. IAmThatIAm Avatar

    What a cast….what a screenplay. The acting, directing and editing…wow.

    This is a movie I will not soon forget. It comes at a time in my life when the themes/subject matters covered hit the bull's eye. I saw myself in every character/person at various points in my life. Colin Firth's role here might just be my favorite of all — yes, even more than "The King's Speech" which he won an Oscar for. Guy Pearce who I have been a long fan of also shines in the small role he plays as did Dominic West, Nicole Kidman, Laura Linney.

    I've never felt to thank a production company but Lionsgate, you have my deepest appreciation for bringing this to the screen for the world to see.

  10. JD BlueWolf Avatar

    The ending is the most WHOA moment, and you'll know what I mean by that if you paid attention to one certain detail.

  11. Philip Wedekind Avatar

    To the lady I mentioned this film to in a cafe (you were reading a book on Perkins…), drop me a line at this address. It was nice talking to you!

  12. Laurie Crater Avatar

    Well…..this is a hidden gem of a movie.

  13. Native Virginian Avatar

    I wonder how much of Wolfe’s poetry Perkins had to edit to sell his books.

  14. SaintTrinianz Avatar

    Take off that Word
    Take off those words
    Strip that whole paragraph
    Drop that sentence…
    Strip down to your skinny soul; Yes, yes, yes!
    But you can leave your hat on!

  15. Marilyn Stovall Avatar

    A standing ovation. Bravo. Loved this!

  16. Miguel Torres Avatar

    I like O and Ruby. ❤

  17. Catherine Salacuse Avatar

    J’ai connu Dadou & Family Guerberthelo il y a de nombreuses années, à La Garde Freynet …je vis à NY depuis de nombreuses années aussi et depuis
    Inutile de dire combien vos films depuis le Grand Bleu, m’ont plus, même si je ne les ai pas tous vus j’avoue
    Vos 4-5 dernières années et la Justice tournant en votre faveur à
    m’a soulagé & fait plaisir pour vous
    Je connais un example ici sur NY, d’un homme politique éminent qui a passé lui-même 3 ans, just for his personal need to clean his name…he succeeded so many Lawyers & $$$ later, but the psychological damages were done…& deep wounds remain
    ( je vous ai vu ce soir sur « quelle Époque »)
    I saw your wounds in your face too.
    You are an honest very good man #lucbesson
    Catherine 🇫🇷🇺🇸

  18. kuru Avatar

    Lockheed martin is not genius

  19. eb turner Avatar

    A quiet, marvelous movie. I was impressed with Colin Firth's ability as an actor and surprised by Jude Law. A slow drawing in of a story that drew together the weave of two minds and developed the genius that we can share. Outstanding!

  20. Lil Morning Glory Avatar

    What a great movie!

  21. Karl Lessig Avatar

    This is America. The great dream. We will never see it again.

  22. William Culotta Avatar

    A brilliantly scripted and acted movie! The felt life was near perfect. One could learn a lot about life. It is hard to say it was enjoyable but parts of life are not. I am very critical when it comes to movies but it was hard to find faults with this one. A good lesson on "never forget where you came from." I have led a fulfilling life and am grateful for having started out poor. I t helps make you a better person. Sorry for the Rant!

  23. Nathaniel Avoures Avatar

    The pope doesn't need a exorcist he needs a psychologist and massage therapist! Hahaha

  24. Paul C Avatar

    I had no idea this story existed, thank you so much to all who participated in the telling of this story

  25. Kimberly Crichton Avatar

    What is the song during the funeral and until Max reaches home? It brought so much beauty to sorrow.

  26. V.E.N Avatar

    Who is this? Stop! I need to watch the movie…

  27. ralph shelley Avatar

    Shirley Temple went into Fitzgerald's and remembers all the empty coca cola bottles in the window cell. She was a rising star and he was on a decline writing scripts for Hollywood.

  28. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    What is the novel of your life? Who taught you? Do you remember having your diapers changed? Who taught you? When did you realize that you were here, whatever that be defined?

  29. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    How do you learn to act, child?

    Is it not a LIE not to be yourself?

    When are yourself? Define your next day. Nothing should influence you not to be yourself. Or a lie.

  30. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    Define a demigod, child?

    Why do you know? Find the Origins, better not be a human.

  31. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    Idealism is grand and glorious. Why?

    How does a great book or poem aid the suffering of this World?

    What if you were in their reality of disparity, would a good book or poem aid you? Maybe if you used the pages to start a fire.

  32. Patricia Prickett Avatar

    men are selfish is my takeaway

  33. Scott Leipski Avatar

    One of my favorite movies of all time. A true gem. I have to put away my computer and read more, sgl

  34. Diana Pearson Avatar

    A lovely ending. A wonderful movie!!!

  35. Diana Pearson Avatar

    What a job— to guide genius

  36. Arleen Hammersla Avatar

    Such a brilliant film. I want to watch it over and over again to drink in its beauty. Thank you.

  37. Greyhound Five Media Avatar

    If you want to make this movie even better… Turn your device to black and white mode. Trust me.

  38. Ocean Tiara Avatar

    Well that was awes🎉

  39. Walter Eaton Avatar

    A fine film. The power of mentorship, how it can mold potential and promise into full bloom. Like the flower it inevitably withers and dies but recalls it's beauty.

  40. emily schwellenbach Avatar

    Hard to believe this got bad reviews. People aren't used to films of depth and a slower pace