GEORGE A. ROMERO’S: RESIDENT EVIL || OFFICIAL TRAILER | Documentary (2024) – Playlists

George A. Romero’s Resident Evil: A Documentary Official Trailer (2024) | SUBSCRIBE: Support ROE, …







38 responses to “GEORGE A. ROMERO’S: RESIDENT EVIL || OFFICIAL TRAILER | Documentary (2024) – Playlists”

  1. Residence of Evil Avatar

    Are you looking forward to George A. Romero's Resident Evil? If you enjoyed this video, please leave a LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for the latest Resident Evil News!

  2. Trevor Stockwell Avatar

    This would have been great

  3. Rockstar hell yeah 🤘😎 Avatar

    It's the perfect movie we didn't know we needed 😎😎😎


  4. hyper star dreamz :) Avatar

    May god REst his soul. I love you george I can't wait to see you again one day… I also can't wait to watch this documentary along with George's unfinished movies (can't wait) ❤

  5. Rikkkter Games Avatar

    Pero qué ganas de seguirle sacando jugo a la franquicia!!! Pero de todas maneras échenmela porque la voy a ver completita jajajaja!!

  6. Gabriel Avatar

    That's insane!

  7. Peter Llanos Avatar

    Ok you have my atention, mate

  8. TKKA Avatar

    Wtf is this. This is not a trailer. Click bait bullshit

  9. Christopher Boyle Avatar

    Am I the only one that heard that Romero's script for the RE movie was not considered either good or loyal to the game? Regardless, I would have loved to see him take a swing, at least. It certainly wouldn't have been as bad as the shit we've been getting all these years.

  10. Poundweed Avatar

    I was doing a report on George Romero as a successful person and wanted to see an RE2 commercial he made.

    Totally did not expect to stumble across this.

  11. Alice Manson Avatar

    I thought someone had gone back and re made his original script, not too keen on seeing a documentary. It's something that would be great! There's a better script for Day of the Dead and I'd like to see that made too!

  12. She said she's an 80's baby Avatar

    Coming soon to where? Youtube? Netflix? Theaters? I need more info please.

  13. Anthony DiLeonardo Avatar

    Romero's zombie flicks were always great not because of the gore, but the subtle humor and social commentary

  14. Dany Gor Avatar

    Romero hubiera echo las cosas bien apesar dela epoca , no como las mierds de películas que tenemos ahora de resident

  15. ZeroNightSleep79 Avatar

    George A. Romero's shittiest film is still better than any movie that Capcon has ever come out with

  16. Hyper-thetical Theoreticals Avatar

    I wanted resident evil films too…..until we got them. And they're all fkng trash

  17. Dark Fortress Pictures LLC Avatar

    I can’t wait for this!

  18. Zen Collettivo Avatar

    Will be available in italian subs?

  19. IA M3gan Avatar

    George A. Romero hubiera hecho las películas de Resident Evil mucho mejores y mejor logradas que la franquicia horrible de Sony.
    Puesto que George no buscaba ser comercial. Además de ser el padre de la cultura zombies como se conoce hoy en día, el conocía más que nadie, además fue un maestro para inmersión en sus películas. Sin importar cuanto pasen los años, George Romero es, siempre será el padre del genero zombie y como se conoce al zombie hoy en día.

  20. Chaika Gaz Avatar

    First off it wasnt even called resident evil in the beginning. It was always the biohazard series..

  21. RuiCosta10 Avatar

    Oooooooh noice !!

  22. DeanoSauruz Avatar

    0:34 never seen that footage before

  23. turtle kappa Avatar

    Did anyone else get chills with the Announcer saying the title?

  24. Exotic Beatz Avatar

    What could've been. An actual Resident Evil movie, based on the games. No crazy, divisive changes. Just following the source material and respecting the IP.

  25. Snake Shadows Avatar

    I actually read George Romero's Resident Evil script years ago. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I didn't really care for it all that much. Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of George Romero. Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead are two of my favorite zombie films.

    And of course, I'm a huge Resident Evil fan. I've played almost every game, and I've seen the films based on the series. I definitely want someone to make a good RE film. But honestly, Romero's script wasn't that great in my view.

    I didn't like how he wrote Chris Redfield. I would have preferred a version of Chris that was closer to his counterpart in the game. The characterizations from the script weren't great in general.

    The reality is, Romero kinda lost his touch after a while. His last set of zombie films fell short of his original vision. I don't feel like his Resident Evil movie would have turned out that well.

  26. jazzblaster Avatar

    So this is a documentary about a film that was never made?

  27. James Scott Avatar

    I would have loved to have seen George A. Romero's version of Resident Evil and how it what it would look like ❤😊 ❤

  28. Dan Avatar

    I remember hearing rumblings of George doing "the Resident Evil movie" back in the late 90s. After seeing the trailers for what we got and subsequently learning that George's treatment had been rejected, it led me to utterly LOATHE the Resident Evil movies.

  29. Dr. J Avatar

    I know for a fact that the legendary George A. Romaro would have made a truly amazing and terrifying Resident Evil movie! His commercial for the Resident Evil 2 game says it all right there!
    It’s a shame it never came to be all because everyone in Hollywood had their head up their @$$ and wasn’t thinking clearly.
    I’m interested to watching the documentary to see how it went all down.

  30. Warvvolf Avatar

    The closest we got was from the set designer of Welcome to Racoon City.

  31. v1per187 Avatar

    I read Romero's Resident Evil script way back in the day. Romero strayed from the source material and changed the character backgrounds significantly in Resident Evil 1.

  32. FestArc Avatar

    He would have made an amazing Resident Evil film. Sometimes I like to watch Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead and just pretend it's in the Resident Evil universe. He would have nailed the gore for sure. Again, watch Day of the Dead. Still the best deaths in a zombie movie so many years later. And he could also do Isolation and survival horror. Night of the Living Dead took place in one house. One 'mansion'. And the underground base in Day of the Dead feels very Resident Evil.

  33. Tim Bengsch Avatar


  34. DaBoShark Avatar

    Hope Sony and ConstantineFilms see this because whe did not have ever have a faithfull adaptation yet

  35. Jeop Avatar

    I read the script and it was pretty bad tbh, Chris redfield not being a star’s member is stupid, and weskers death was super final

  36. Z Man7 Avatar

    I actually read his script. Oh, what could have been!