gf breaking up with me because she got a yeast infection


I need some help. So me and my “gf” (been dating without a title since December 2022) are both women and we finally had sex two weekends ago on a Saturday also we did it on Sunday. She texts me the following thursday that she is pretty sure that she got a yeast infection from me and she is itching bad. And she blamed her contracting it on me having it then her getting it from going down on me. Which I don’t think thats how it works because its not a sti. But she had me scared so I went to get sti tested and I told her long story short idk if i was assaulted while i was drunk (long story) so I was just spiraling and very upset. She was upset with me during this saying things like why wouldn’t u tell me this? Why would u put me at risk? I was just upset at everyone including her because why would she think that I would hurt her on purpose. I honestly love her so much and she told me she cant tell me she feels the same after all of this happened. So she went to the clinic got tested we both are sti free and she got pills for the yeast infection. She is still untrusting of me because of the infection she contracted from us having sex. Does anyone have any idea where it came from? Maybe from me going down on her, I think i did have lip gloss on (but we were kissing before so it was probably mostly off but idk maybe i had some on Sunday). I did brush my teeth and scrape my tongue before i came to her house so ion think its that. But what would you do would u break it off with someone after u got a yeast infection? She said she could never risk it again because it was so uncomfortable that day and i feel horrible about it. I just want to know what caused it and some advise because i can’t believe this could be like our end game. Thoughts? How could I try to reassure her?

We are both women btw!!! No penis is involved

update: she doesn’t think we should talk anymore and im crying my eyes out so yeah no more sex im traumatized


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