Gf thinks cum is disgusting and it makes me feel disgusting


My girlfriend and I have been dating for a bit over a year and we are both in our early 20s. Our sex life is ok, but one thing that has persisted the whole time is that she thinks cum is absolutely disgusting. She will never give me blowjobs because she doesn’t want precum in her mouth and she never wants me to finish inside of her. The compromise we have come to is that when I am about to finish I can finish on her back or stomach as long as I immediately clean it up with disinfecting wipes (like Clorox wipes). She originally wanted me to finish into tissues instead, but I told her I thought that was way too out there.

I can’t help but feel like I am absolutely disgusting to her because of this. Partly because she thinks my natural fluids are absolutely disgusting, but also because I think she’s sexy and so her natural fluids are so hot and desirable by extension. Before anyone asks, I don’t think its my cum in particular that she thinks is disgusting because I am a healthy person, my cum is normal (I hate to admit this but I even tasted it and its totally fine lol), and its been like this our entire relationship. Am I wrong to suspect that she is either unnattracted to me or she thinks I am gross on some level?


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