Gil Karson & The Karson City Rebels Release The Patriotic Americana Video “Freedom Guaranteed” @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) California native and lifelong singer-songwriter Gil Karson fronts the roots/blues/country rock group Gil Karson & The Karson City Rebels. As a musician, Gil has opened shows for music icons like The Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Steppenwolf, and The Rascals. Fusing genres and creating relatable earworm hits, Karson keeps a revolving door open to new Rebels that challenge him and push his musical skills to new levels. Over the years, Gil has landed songs in movies and as a writer, he’s had many hits on the R&B and Dance charts. In this next chapter, he and his team are working on their first album, due out later this year. This will not happen to Gil Karson!

The debut single from Gil Karson & The Karson City Rebels, “Freedom Guaranteed,” is also the first song you’re likely to hear at one of their live shows. This patriotic Americana song pays tribute to American service people from the Revolutionaries to modern-day soldiers, making it a national anthem of sorts for each of their live performances. Kicking off with soaring organ and bold kick drums, Karson’s earnest, storytelling voice offers gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives to keep our freedom guaranteed. Open up a spot on your Fourth of July playlist for this instant classic.

To soak up some more patriotic sunlight, cue up the music video for “Freedom Guaranteed.” Directed by Gil Karson himself, the video features the man and his six-piece band of Rebels rocking out, spliced with footage of soldiers and veterans. Making no commentary on war itself, the video is a pure tribute to the generosity of our men and women in uniform. Put on some red, white, and blue, grab your solo cup, and make a stern salute as you sing along to Gil Karson & The Karson City Rebels’ debut single.

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