Girlfriend (18F) is very self conscious about her weight and freaks out in any position where she’s on top of me (18M)


She’s 5”5 and 165 lbs (down from 180 since June). The thing that really made her feel bad about her weight is when she realized that I was much taller than her and weighed the same thing (6”0, 180-185). Her family has survived on fast food for years and is very sedentary. However, I’ve played baseball all my life, my dad’s a doctor and my mom’s a dietician, very active family, my brothers and I all play/played our sport in college etc. It’s not like I just made better choices than her from 0-18, I had better choices. But now that she’s at college and on her own, she can control more of what she eats and how she exercises and she’s been doing that. I’m really proud of her.

The challenge is that even with the weight loss she’s still very self conscious during sex. If we’re making out and she’s straddling me she’ll sort of just hover/kneel over my lap instead of putting her ass on my lap. I’ll literally have to pull her down so she’s actually sitting in my lap and even then she’s constantly worried about how it feels for me, always asking me if I want to switch positions or if she’s too heavy etc. I always respond “Nope, I’m fine” or “I could stay like this forever” etc. but it doesn’t seem to convince her. One time when we were in this position she asked me if I thought she was as pretty as her sister, and I’m like bruh you’re sitting right on it can you not feel that my dick is literally a flag pole right now. Of course I think you’re pretty wtf

The only position she’ll have sex in is with me on top and under the covers. I’m fine with being on top, but goddamit it’s long been a dream of mine to see my gf ride me. But whenever I ask it’s always some excuse so I just stopped. She’ll let me finger her but won’t let my face anywhere near her 🐱 which makes me feel like shit because I feel bad about letting her give me Bjs since I can’t reciprocate.


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