Girlfriend doesn’t like to be teased



TL;DR: Is it normal that foreplay and teasing before sex would frustrate a girl and cause her to “dry up” or does it indicate issues like being in her head, or worse a lack of attraction?

I (28M) have been with my girlfriend (26F) for just over 4 years. We have a loving relationship but are also mindful that it takes work and are continuing to do the work needed! One of the things we are working on is sex, which is currently transitioning from a through the motions approach to one that recognises its importance in a relationship. Because of the intimacy issues in the past, I maybe do have a bit of anxiety surrounding her sexual attraction to me (hence the post) but I am working on it as our sex life improves.

My issue is that I am a person who thinks and moreover has experienced the positive effect prolonging teasing and foreplay can have to arousal in the moment and on the strength of the eventual orgasm. This has been my experience both with myself, but also with girls in the past. However, my girlfriend communicated to me that when we are getting intimate, she doesn’t like the teasing (could be anything from running my fingers over her body or very lightly running my mouth gently over her body, E.g. nipple and clit, or just delaying things like when I go to touch her I wait or when I go to lick her I breathe a little on the area and then pull away, to create a sense of anticipation. She communicated that this frustrates her and causes her to “dry up” and that she just wants to fuck because she is “ready to go”. For context, the teasing sessions are the exception rather than the rule, and was something I was throwing in from time to time genuinely to try to increase her experience (based on my previous experience as described above). For the record I am NOT comparing my current gf to previous ones in any way; I am merely referring to my experience of how certain actions have made girlfriends feel/react in the past, in case I need to broaden my understanding of female biology. We are evolving beings and when dealing with current situations, we only have our past experiences to truly rely on. I hope that nuance comes across here!

Now, my concern is not that she is communicating her desires and feelings to me. I welcome this. The concern is not even that she wants to get down to it quicker. That’s also great. However, my concern IS with her description of “drying up” through frustration. The frustration part I can totally understand. If I was being teased in a similar way, it would drive me crazy. But from my perspective, this would ADD to the experience and make me want it more, not kill my boner.

Thanks for reading this far. My question is essentially is this a reasonable reaction from my girlfriend’s body (i.e. do some people just not like to be teased and their bodies don’t react the way mine does or some other girls have), or does her response indicate things like anxiety, or being in her head, or worse not even being attracted to me or into the experience at all such that she needs to proceed asap or lose her levels of arousal. I just can’t wrap my head around how if you were into someone and down for it in the moment you wouldn’t want them to selflessly worship your body for a little longer (well 95% selflessly as there is obviously that part of me that enjoys making her feel good, hence the post so I can correct my incorrect assumptions or behaviour).

Thanks for your help 🙂


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