Girlfriend seems quiet and unenthusiastic about sex.


My girlfriend (19f) and I (19m) have been having sex for almost 9 months now and she has been quiet and seems unenthusiastic about it. Now I completely understand that people are not I’m porn and aren’t super dramatic but she’s almost silent and unresponsive and seems almost like she doesn’t want to do it even if she was the one that initiated it in the first place.

I’m super self conscious about whether or not I’m pleasing my partner. As my ex basically used me as a living sex toy and alway got mad when I tried to be more dominant and now I have a hard time being more dominant. She’s been supportive and has said she’s fine being in the driver seat but I think she just said that for my feelings.

I don’t know if I’m not satisfying her or if she uncomfortable. Every time I try to bring it up she says she’s fine and really enjoys it but I don’t know if she’s just saying that for me.

I really don’t know what to do. I just want her to be happy and I could care less about my feelings and I’ve voiced that to her. But then again it may not be me at all. I don’t know what to do.


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