Girlfriend tells me she masturbates 3 times a day but is often up for neither sex nor masturbating when we spend the day together


I’ll start by saying we had a ton of sex when we first met and I really thought our libidos were the same (really high).

Now, not so much. There are definitely days where we’ll go at it a couple times, but most days I’m the only one initiating and I’m lucky if we go one round. I’d love to go more.

She told me yesterday that she masturbates 3 times a day normally when she’s alone.

I’m feeling hurt because I’ve raised the issue of our seemingly mismatched libidos before, but it seems she does still likes to get off plenty in her alone time.

She is bi and watches a bunch of crazy, sometimes violent porn (it’s animated) and I guess I have this worry that maybe she’s just not as attracted to me as I am her or that I can’t give her what she’s seeing in that porn. I watch porn too, sometimes with her, but I’d always rather have sex with her or help her get off. I masturbate way less than her but want sex way more than her.

Anyone have experience with a similar dynamic going on in their relationship?


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