Girlfriend wants me to crush her with my bodyweight in missionary.


The other night we were in missionary and it was pretty passionate. I did something different and reached under and grabbed both buttcheeks while on top. This kind of forces my full bodyweight weight onto her instead of my hands/elbows. I noticed when I did this I could feel she could hardly breathe, but i felt her moaning crazy while not having much breath. Im a big guy 210 pounds 5’11 with solid hard physique (not fat). Ive done jiu jitsu before and know what its like to have a big 200+ pound man putting his bodyweight on you. You FEEL it, and im a pretty tough strong guy, so I can imagine for her, its amplified greatly. Personally I find it uncomfortable, but im also not masochist either.

Is this a kink? Is it just having a muscular man crushing you or all the full skin contact that makes it erotic? Or is physiologically losing air from having someone large on top of you, make it more erotic?

She told me she wants to do that again. Im going to ask her why tomorrow, but I want to hear some opinions here first.


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