Girlfriend won’t sex my anymore


Sex/relationship advice

More sex advice

I previously had posted on her about 2 weeks ago about how me (20) and my gf (20) haven’t been sexually active at all for the past 2 months and how I felt that it was strange that we went from having a lot of sex to just never doing anything anymore. I went these past 2 weeks without mentioning anything about it. I would say we are still intimate because we kiss, hug and cuddle but whenever I bring up anything sexual she always says she feels pressured to to do anything Today I brought it up how I wanted to communicate and talk with her about how I felt and she said she didn’t want to talk bc she was “tired “ when she was watching her tv show and scrolling on her phone which I understand but I’ve been really trying to get it off my chest so I just continued to talk with her and told her everything about how I felt. Her reply was just that she just doesn’t know and she didn’t want to talk about it . Continuing to say that she doesn’t know why we haven’t done anything and then saw my Reddit and forced me to show her and now she’s asking me “well now what” as if I’m going to tell her that we are going to break up. Kind of just in a weird spot now bc I’ve told her everything about how I felt and now we are both just being weird not knowing what to do. We both love each other very much but as a male I have a higher sex drive than she does right now and it’s been affecting me and how I feel bc I’m always thinking why she doesn’t want to do amything. I would appreciate any advice and will add extra context if needed.


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