Girlfriend(27F) doesnt like when I (30m) dont finish, but doesn’t really try to help.


We have been dating a few months and trust me, the sex is awesome, and everything is going great. I am so focused on pleasing her during sex that typically I dont finish often because its important to me that she feels good. However she gets a little sad after if i dont finish, but its not like she offers to go down on me or anything. I am just not sure what to do really lol. I know this isnt a huge deal, and she doesn’t “owe” me anything.

But I guess it would be nice to get taken care of too every now and then. I might just be weird, but like i said above its hard for me to finish during sex sometimes because i am just hyper focused on her. Should I talk to her about this or wait it out a little longer?

She has said like 2-3 times that she would go down on me in a joking way and I just said “whenever you want” but it never happens, its like she gets what she wants and just says she feels bad i didnt finish to say it. If she really gave a shit wouldnt she try and help. I just dont want to sound like an asshole, but it IS kind of getting to me. I am not trying to masterbate to take care of myself when I have a hot ass girlfriend


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