Girlfriends rape fantasy is getting out of hand..


First off, I want to say i know about consent and me(m27) and my girlfriend(f24) communicate well. We’ve been together for over 3 years and pretty much have did everything under the sun. We dipped are toes in BDSM, kamasutra, and other things, but the thing she consistently wants is a rape role play scenario. She likes it rough too so things can get a little wild. Couples hours ago the “raper man,” paid a visit. We have safe words and I can read her well, but to make the fantasy come alive she likes to yell out things like “NOÒO…” “STOPPP…” “DON’T TAKE IT FROM ME!!” Out of contest I’m pretty sure it sounds wild, but trust me, it’s 100% consensual. So we were probably a little louder than normal tonight because the music stopped about half way through. But long story short the neighbors just approached my girlfriend asking if everything is okay. This is kinda missing with my head right now because my neighbors are nosy. I think this is actually kinda going too far but don’t wanna tell my girl how I really feel because she’s done everything I ever wanted sexually without batting an eye. Wondering how I should approach this, she laughed it off tonight, but I wanna have a serious talk with her in the morning.

Edit: thank you everyone for your input. I’m not trying to make an excuse for last night but I had been drinking, and got caught up in the heat of passion… i should have turned the music back on this is 100% my fault. My gf had girl talk with the neighbor and apologized for last night. At this time the neighbor also mentioned we hear you guys all the time but last night was a little much.. My neighbor admitted to listening harder to see if there was a problem. I’ve let my girlfriend know I’m still down to do this but they’ll be some changes, (i.e. switch up location, panties in the mouth, threats of violence if she gets to loud..) but I haven’t discussed these details with her yet because I want to catch off guard on the next “raper man” adventure… I also seen a couple of comments about rape survivors and such, I’m glad you brought this to my attention I never thought of how triggering something like that could be..
So I apologize for that too..But at the end of the day, I wanna keep my lady happy I’m just going to go about it more responsibly…

Peace.. Godspeed everyone 🙏🏾


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