Give me your recommendations! I will read and respond to EVERY comment I get on this post no matter how many I get, so don’t be afraid to comment! Looking for epic/magical/beautiful soundtrack songs (from video games, movies, or shows)! PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! -Playlists



Songs on this playlist are ones I have already listened to and chosen NOT to add to my playlist: [](

This is the playlist I have put together **so far**. It’s a great playlist if anyone is looking for more epic soundtrack music! [](

# The Prompt

What are some of your favorite soundtrack songs from movies, video games, shows, etc.? Even ones that aren’t from anything but are just good songs by artists who make soundtrack-like music (like Two Steps from Hell) I am open to. As long as it has **NO LYRICS** (a word here or there is fine). I’ll list my favorites so you know the vibe I’m looking for:

1. How to Train Your Dragon’s Soundtrack
2. Ori and the Blind Forest video game soundtrack
3. The Avatar Movie Soundtrack

# Some Specifications

1. **Not** looking for tracks/albums that are only a single instrument like piano or violin. Those have their place, but not for the playlist I’m working on expanding.
2. I like songs that are beautiful but **not too slow/boring**. If it is slow, it should go somewhere or be beautiful so as to not be too boring or monotonous.
3. If you suggest an entire album but don’t specify the song I will listen to the top 2 or 3 most played songs first and if I like those I’ll listen to more. If you don’t think the top 2-3 most played songs are the best, make sure you recommend a song/track you like! 🙂
4. I LOVEEEEE the magical sound with little vocalizations throughout or a bit of choir in places or flutes/piccolos or chimes a mystical vibe so if anyone has anything like that, please let me know.
5. If I get a lot of comments, it might take me a while to respond but **I WILL respond**. Be patient! 🙂
6. Don’t be afraid to comment a ton of songs! I will listen to ALL of them. I LOVE music.
7. **Spotify links** are appreciated but not required!!!!


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