guilt bc I want sex but bf can’t really give it to me


I’ve been seeing a guy for a little over a yr now and our sex was super great for a long time and we were super kinky which I love.

He has medical issues that directly go w his stomach and penis and I get it and I don’t want to hurt him or anything or make his medical issues worse but I love him and idk what it is but any time I touch him or I’m around him I just want to have sex with him because he drives me absolutely nuts and I’ve never had that before.

I’ve been pretty accepting of his situation and try not to let it bother me and any time he asks for a blowjob or anything I’ll do it and i do it how he asks for it and for however long (he needs it to be soft or it hurts & ive done it for like almost 2 hrs straight) bc I wanna pleasure him. I just haven’t been getting the same thing back recently which I feel like a bad person for. He doesn’t talk to me sexually anymore, doesn’t touch or anything really and I just feel so unwanted.

I want sex and I wanna feel wanted and I’ve talked to him about it but I don’t wanna be needy or anything and he just makes me feel more guilty. Any advice on how to get past this?


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