Guy Snaps at Recently Divorced Sister for ‘Sexualizing Every Interaction’ – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


“AITA for telling my sister that a comment she made is exactly why her marriage crashed and burned?” Posted by u/AnyWolf_134

The comment section

“Honestly the foot thing sounds like a joke and OP kinda sounds like a tight ass to begin with” said u/lifeiscooliguess.

“It seemed like a joke. Could have been nicer? He told his sister she deserved her life falling apart. I’m not sure he could have been much meaner.” said u/69Jew420.

“She was pressuring him and calling him broken for not having sex more than once a week. That is still wrong. Libidos not always match and is ok to part from that, but is not ok to pressure or call someone broken or hormonally wrong for having an average libido.” said u/SourGummyAddict.

“OP says the sister and her husband were still having sex once a week. That’s hardly ‘you need a doctor because there’s something wrong with you’ territory. If she’s not satisfied she’s well within her rights to walk away, but acting like her husband is abnormal for it is a problem. My sister’s ex treated her this way and she told me that the more he asked (i.e. demanded) sex was the less willing she was to concede because it came to feel like a chore. If she gave in, he’d just ask for it even more often and she said ‘why would you want to have sex with someone who treats you like that?’ OP also says the sister said without sex the husband was basically a roommate — 1. they were having sex still, but 2. it sounds like sex was the only thing holding the marriage together, and that I think is what OP has a problem with. There’s more to the sister’s relationship than the surface story, and just based on OP’s comments, the sister has some issues with how she treated her partner.” said u/sheath2.

Read the full thread here.


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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


