guys…please help. I need advice from my fellow teen girls, or someone experienced


So I have two problems and I urgently need your advice on BOTH

1. I have a vibrator and when I use a vibrator I’m able to feel immensene and regular external pleasure and orgasm within a few minutes, easy as can be. But most of the time I don’t have access to my vibrator so I’ve tried touching myself regularly. But for some reason even when I directly touch my clit….it kinda…hurts??? Or I feel nothing at all, but I second a use any kind of device or even a showerhead it feels absolutely amazing.

2. I’ve tried to insert a finger in my vagina, and it’s extremely painful. Whenever I begin to push it in I feel an immense amount of burning, and if I manage to get my finger I just don’t feel anything at all. I know it’s in far enough because the g-spot is 2-3 inches in. Sometimes, it’s so tight I can barely get a single finger in, I know I’m small but shouldn’t I at least be able to stretch? The only thing I can imagine for this pain is maybe my hymen is stretching and not breaking.



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