Hands resting on breasts


My post is only marginally sexrelated but I can’t really think of a better subreddit to post this question I hope thats okay.
So due to health issues on my behalf I wasn’t able to have sex the last few weeks. My SO of knows and respects this. Yesterday we cuddled and he put his hand on my breast and rested it there (he asked if it was ok). Nothing else happened and we just laid there. He did not move his hand even in the slightest and we did not kiss. This is my first relationship an now my question is if this is some unconcious compensation for the missing sexual touch or if it is some way to try to connect emotionally and build intimacy?
I know I could ask him, which I also plan to do, but he isn’t very good in emotional introspection and probably won’t know an answer either so I’d really appreciate your thoughts on this before I ask him. Thanks in advance.


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