Harlis Sweetwater ‘Won’t Be Satisfied’ On His New Single Ft. David Hidalgo (Los Lobos) And John Doe (X) @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Rock N Roll / Blues / Soul Musician Harlis Sweetwater has released a new single titled “Won’t Be Satisfied.” The gritty rock n roll tune features some punk and rock n roll heavy hitters featuring David Hidalgo of the iconic Los Lobos on guitar, and John Doe of the legendary punk band X on bass.

Harlis says, “I wanted to write a real rocker. A song that had an old school rock n’ roll vibe but with a more aggressive kind of punk rock feel to it…something that had a lot of movement. David was recording at the same studio in Santa Ana that I was and of course I’ve loved everything he has done with Los Lobos, so I thought, why not take a shot and ask him if he would rock a guitar solo on ‘Wont Be Satisfied’. It blew my mind when he said “Yes”! Lee Rocker of the Stray Cats was recording his new album at the same studio as well, so again, I decided to just take a shot and asked him if he would play bass on it. He agreed to do it but had to fly back to New York. I was, at the time, in a hurry to get it done, so being on a roll with David and Lee, I decided to reach out to John Doe who agreed to rock the bass on the song and absolutely killed it! Its an amazing bass part that really push the song!”

“Won’t be Satisfied” is now available on all streaming platforms via My Grito Industries.

“A high-octane track that showcases the gritty rock n roll sound that Harlis Sweetwater brings, fused with rhythm and blues.”- Folk n Rock

“He’s one of the most confident guitarists and singers you’ll ever hear and the strength in him has to be experienced to be fully appreciated. Sweetwater makes your average rocker sound like a folk singer in comparison and his magic is his ability to make anyone who hears him want to get up.”- Rock and Blues Muse

“If the aim of an artist is to grab the listener’s attention immediately, Sweetwater succeeds with this one.”- Glide Magazine

Upcoming Shows:

Apr. 13 @alexsbarlbc Long Beach

Apr. 27 @themint Los Angeles

Jun. 17 Alpine Country Blues Fest Arizona



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